can somebody help explain how to install the TTS voice synthesis reader so the entire information is announced by street name and addrss preferences. MAILE TO YOUR DOOR FOR 43.00 USD BUY IT ONLINE HERE THE PROBLEM IS HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO INSTALL TTS VOICE BECAUZSE THE OG VOICE IS LOCKED TO ENGLISH FRMALE DOES NOT ANNOUNCE STREET NAMES ONLY DIRECTIONS STOP TURN AND SO ON. Also very important is that only PNA builds support TTS, which reveals a common fault when TTS not working. But PDA builds simply run smoother on PDA/smartphone and PNA builds on other devices. I FOUND A 7 INCH GPS WITH WIN CE6 / BLUETTOTH / FM RADIO AUDIO TRANSMIT / ETC / ETC WITH IGO PRIMO 9.12 JINCLUDED. For older build : The builds circulating will function on both PDA and PNA.